
Friday, January 30, 2015

OLS12 - Details

It seems like you had some fun with this one - I'm so glad! I really enjoyed seeing all the entries and figuring out all the opposites in your cards!

Be sure to join us on February 1 for our next challenge!

Here are some of the details that stood out to us this month:

Ardyth's Details:

Shirley's elegant wedding card is a perfect example of matching your image and sentiment for unity of design.

Michelle's placement of colourful ladybugs makes for a festive but clean-feeling birthday card!

Lynn's clever use of simple images conveys all the possibilities of life post-grad!

Heather's Details:

Harriet's contrasting colour scheme works brilliantly with the dramatic city scape.

Joyce's single coloured house in a row of uncoloured ones makes a wonderful feature right in the sweet spot.

Karin has used the classic opposites black and white to create a very clean but very cute one layer card. The tiny pop of red is perfect.


  1. Thanks Heather for choosing my card! Congrats to everyone!

  2. Thanks so much for the shout out Ardyth!

  3. Thanks so much for choosing my card, Ardyth! Congrats to the other highlighted entries :)
