
Monday, May 30, 2016

OLS27 Details

Thank you everyone who joined in having a fruit smoothie with us this month. We had a mix of fruit themed cards and fruity-named inks which gave us a delicious blend of fruity talent and inspiration.

Make sure you come back on June 1st to see our next challenge but before you go check out the details that stood out for the us this month.

Heather's details

The contrast of bright pink on clean white is eye catching and Julie divided the flowers with a clever masked strip.

Sherrie M lined up her apples perfectly and added interest with a contrasting mix of colours. The white space at the bottom draws the eye to her sentiment.

Julie B stuck to a classic black and white colour scheme with some beautiful soft highlights

Karen's Details 

 Maura's card got my attention with the wonderful sponging and the warmth of the colours she used.

 Buffy's card is so yummy with it's clean and simple look.

Laura Jane created this lovely card with great colour depth and interest with the colours she used.

Ardyth's Details

Greta's graphic, masculine card is full of energy!

Mother's Day

Ashwini's use of colour makes a stunning, elegant mother's day card!

OLS27 Fruit Smoothie

Elizabeth's peaches are fresh and vibrant!

Susan's Details

Cornelia used these awesomely individual eggplants combined with the perfect sentiment, but the spatters really are simply perfect here.

Susan's coloring and shading on these strawberries makes me want to pick them and eat them! The way the rounded bottom corners mimic the strawberries' shapes works beautifully.


  1. Yay!! Thank you Ardyth, for choosing my card! :)
    Congrats to all the winners! :)

  2. Thanks for the shout out Heather. A fab selection of winners. :)

  3. Oh wow--I'm so honored you noticed my card, Ardyth--thank you! Love the variety of picks & can't wait to see the next theme! I'm loving the challenge of making one layer cards & this blog gives me so much inspiration!

  4. Woo hoo! Karen, thank you for the shout-out, and thanks for this great challenge. I love it when I am successful making something pretty with only one layer of cs!!

  5. Sooo many gorgeous cards and thank you so much Susan for picking mine amongst all those beauties! Congrats to my fellow shout-outs!

  6. Wow, Heather thank you for choosing my card as one of your shout-outs...I am truly honored! Congratulations to the rest of the shout-outs- all of your cards are spectacular!!
